allows your laborer to make each solder joint just 2½% faster than that ordinary solder, then the Wonder Solder is effectively FREE !!! If making each joint with Wonder Solder is merely 2½% faster than that ordinary solder costing half as much per pound, then Wonder Solder has saved you enough labor cost at each solder joint to pay for Wonder Solder's incremental cost, making Wonder Solder effectively FREE !!!
In point of fact, people have reported that Wonder Solder completes each joint about twice as fast as some competing solders (including some premium priced ones), because Wonder Solder wets, and flows into, and saturates each joint much, much faster. So they report that Wonder Solder is actually 50% faster. If Wonder Solder were merely 2½ % faster it would be effectively free, saving you enough in labor cost to pay completely for Wonder Solder's incremental cost over ordinary cheap solders. But, if Wonder Solder wets, flows into, and saturates each joint 50% faster than other solders - or indeed anything better than 2½% faster - then Wonder Solder is better than free !!!
Wonder Solder saves you so much in labor cost that Wonder Solder PAYS YOU for using it !!!
Supposing again that there are 400 solder joints in an audio component, if some other solder takes twice as long to complete each joint as Wonder Solder, then Wonder Solder pays you $8.00 (in saved labor cost) for making that component using Wonder Solder instead of the slower solder. Meanwhile, even if Wonder Solder costs twice as much per pound as that other solder, your incremental cost for using Wonder Solder instead of that slower solder is merely 20 cents for that whole audio component. Thus, Wonder Solder is better than free, by $7.80, for that audio component. Wonder Solder pays you $7.80 per audio component, for using Wonder Solder instead of that slower, cheaper solder !!!
Here's the calculation. The cost of making that audio component with the slower, cheaper solder is $16.00 for labor plus 20 cents for solder. The cost of making that audio component with Wonder Solder is $8.00 for labor plus 40 cents for solder. Notice how the cost of labor completely swamps the cost of solder, which is why the labor-saving speed and ease of Wonder Solder saves you so much money. It literally pays you a net of $7.80 per audio component to use Wonder Solder instead of that slower, cheaper solder !!
And don't forget that Wonder Solder sounds much better than all other solders !!
Where else can you get paid for making your audio component sound better ??
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